Несчастный случай на работе определяется как происшествие, которое имело место в ходе выполнения работы и привело к причинению физического вреда либо к умственному расстройству (определение дано согласно методологии Европейской статистики несчастных случаев на работе (ESAW).





Jurisdiction: Cyprus

With a court system based on common law, Cyprus courts are known for their professionalism, impartiality, and efficiency. The language used in court proceedings is Greek, but English may also be used before the Commercial and the Admiralty Courts.

Our litigation services in Cyprus offer a comprehensive approach to resolving legal disputes, with a deep understanding of the law and a commitment to strategic thinking and creative problem-solving. We will work closely with you to understand your specific needs and goals, and develop customized litigation strategies. Whether you are involved in a civil or corporate dispute, a fraud case, or a commercial matter, or whether you are facing a personal legal matter, our Cyprus based litigation team backed up when and if needed by our London based barristers is uniquely-equipped to provide you with the legal representation you need.

England & Wales

Jurisdiction: England & Wales

The UK courts are renowned for upholding the rule of law and delivering justice impartially. Based on common law, judicial decisions are based on precedent and custom rather than statutory law.

The legal system in the UK is complex, with separate courts for different types of cases, ranging from small claims courts to the highest court, the Supreme Court.

Our team of London barristers lead by Timothy Frith and Angelos Paphitis are widely respected for their high level of professionalism, which is characterized by a range of qualities and attributes. Some of the key qualities of our London based team include deep knowledge of the law along with extensive experience in their area of practice, analytical skills able to analyze complex legal issues and identify key arguments, advocacy skills, effective communication and strong argumentation, a keen eye for detail, high standards of professionalism, including punctuality and reliability, what characterises our team of barristers, personalized care to our clients.


Jurisdiction: Bermuda

The Bermuda courts are known for their independence, impartiality, and efficiency. The judicial system in Bermuda is based on English common law with final appeals taking place before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Councils (JCPC) which sits in London.

At AGP Law, we are fortunate to have senior litigator and arbitrator Timothy Frith on our team. Mr. Frith is called to the Bar of Bermuda and together with the rest of our London based team of barristers has extensive experience representing clients in a wide range of disputes in Bermuda. His expertise includes commercial litigation, regulatory matters, and international arbitration, and he has successfully represented clients in some of the most complex and high-profile cases in Bermuda. Mr. Frith's reputation for excellence in litigation and arbitration is a testament to the high-quality services we offer at our firm.


Jurisdiction: UAE (Dubai)

AGP Law established its UAE presence in July 2022 with the creation of the UAE Corporate and Business Consulting Services office(link to uae web), a significant milestone in our 17-year history. Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) is a leading global financial centre with its own independent legal system based on English common law. DIFC Courts are renowned for their efficiency and sophistication in handling a wide range of commercial disputes.

At AGP Law, we are proud to offer top-quality litigation services in the DIFC Courts, with a team of highly experienced litigators and barristers led by Angelos Paphitis, Maria Constantinou, and Timothy Frith. Our team has a deep understanding of the DIFC legal system and a proven track record of success in representing clients in complex international commercial disputes. We offer a range of litigation services, including commercial litigation and arbitration, and we are proud to be one of the leading litigation firms in the region.

To view AGP’s full service offering out of the Dubai office, please click here: UAE Corporate Services - AGP & Co (agplaw.com/uae).

Несчастные случаи на работе

Несчастные случаи на работе

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Каждый работодатель несет ответственность по защите своих сотрудников и независимых контрагентов (в том числе посетителей). Работодатели обязаны снабжать сотрудников средствами защиты здоровья и поддерживать безопасные условия труда. Рабочее место должно быть безопасным для сотрудников, а в случае, когда работа требует физического участия человека, необходимо предоставить достаточную тренировку или руководство или инструкции.

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