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What is the Ship Registration Process in Cyprus?
The ship registration process in Cyprus is relatively straightforward and efficient. It involves the following steps:
- Eligibility for registration: All vessels used in navigation and not propelled by oars, are eligible for registration in Cyprus, given that they meet the age and type-related requirements as these are set out in the Official Government Policy regarding the registration of ships in the Register of Cyprus ships or in the Special Book of Parallel registration as well as the ownership requirements, set out by the relevant legislation, namely the Merchant Shipping (Registration of Ships, Sales and Mortgages) Law of 1963, as amended.
- Submission of an application: Before a vessel can be registered in Cyprus, the ship owner or their representative must submit an application to the Shipping Deputy Ministry (SDM). The application must include details about the vessel, such as its name, age ownership, type, intended voyages etc.
- Documentation and payment of fees: The necessary documentation, must be submitted with the SDM including, among others, the documents relating to the passing of title in the ship to the buyer such as the bill of sale or the builder’s certificate and corporate documents pertaining to the appropriate corporate authority to acquire the ship. Also, several other documents and forms relating to safety and technical matters will be required, such as , a copy of the ship’s International Tonnage Certificate (for ships over 24m in length) or a copy of the Certificate of Tonnage (for ships not exceeding 24m in length) issued by the current flag, and the confirmation of the Classification Society where applicable.
- Survey: At the time of the provisional registration the vessel must be at port or anchorage, where it can be surveyed and certified on behalf of Cyprus. All vessels under Cyprus flag have to be surveyed and issued with a Certificate of Survey affirming their main particulars and their tonnage (both gross and net) which are subsequently recorded in the Register of Cyprus ships.
- Registration: Once the vessel has been approved and all necessary documentation has been submitted, the SDM will issue a Certificate of Registry. This certificate confirms the vessel’s registration in Cyprus and serves as proof of ownership. Once registered in the Register of Cyprus ships, the vessel falls under the jurisdiction of Cyprus and obtains the right to fly the Cyprus flag.
- Annual Renewal: Vessels registered in Cyprus must renew their registration annually by proceeding with the payment of the annual fee for Cyprus registry. Overall, the ship registration process in Cyprus is efficient and transparent, with a focus on ensuring that vessels meet the required safety and environmental standards. Cyprus has a well-established reputation as a leading shipping center, and its ship registration process is an important part of its maritime industry.
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